Vera and Thomas, along with their daughters Christa and Anna, live in the idyllic town of Heilbronn. Their story unfolds as a surreal crime drama and grotesque tale that blurs the boundaries of reality. One day, Vera unexpectedly leaves her family to pursue a musical journey in Mongolia and discover her new identity, shattering the seemingly stable family structure.
Cornelia Rainer tells the story of the dissolution of a family and the lurking depressions of ordinary lives in quick, musical images with a detached tone.
- with
- Petra Morzé
- (Vera),
- Peter Wolfsberger
- (Thomas),
- Stefanie Dovorak
- (Christa),
- Pauline Knof
- (Anna),
- Patrik Beck
- (Freund),
- Josef Fuchs
- (Clown),
- Martin Beck
- (Clwon),
- Ulrike Hübl
- (Clown)
- Director Cornelia Rainer
- Stage and Costume Design Aurel Lenfert
- Dramaturgy Sibylle Dudek
- Music Karl Stirner
- Voices Robert Reinagl ,
- Stefan Peschta,
- Dagmar Lagler
January 25, 2009